Tickets to a Rock & Roll Concert
During the late 1950s, I was a student nurse working long and anti-social hours. One day while on a busy surgical ward, the day sister, who was one of the old school nurses – extremely efficient but frightening with it – entered the ward and in a loud voice demanded the presence of my colleague and myself in her office. Now the only time you were summoned to the sister’s office was when it was for a telling off; like the time I lost someone’s false teeth. We stood there shaking in our regulation shoes.
“Now then” she said, glaring at us. “Do you girls like rock and roll?” she enquired. In the past she’d set some funny tasks but surely she wasn’t going to ask us to sing! She then opened her desk drawer and carefully took out an envelope. “You do realise,” she said with an actual smile, “that occasionally free tickets are donated to the nursing staff for events in town?” She then opened the envelope and took out the contents. We were both fully aware that Bill Haley was appearing at one of the venues but surely the tickets couldn’t possibly be for him. Indeed they were.
Our gratitude was evident by our jumping up and down and short of kissing the day sister we left her office in a more euphoric state than we had entered it. My colleague and I could barely wait for the evening to arrive. There was no way that we could have afforded the admission fee to such an awesome spectacle on our paltry salaries. And what a night it was. The atmosphere was unbelievable and made even more exciting by being at the front row of the upper-circle. Bill Haley’s performance was everything we had truly imagined. A truly wonderful experience and one never to be forgotten; never let it be said that there is no reward for hard work.
Joan Greetham ‘Down Your Way’ Issue 129 September 2008
- Sheila Baker
Matron - Sue Cassin
Hierarchy - Sue Cassin
Life as a Cadet - Sue Cassin
Matron - Marie Horner
Strict Life in the Hospital - Marie Horner
Matron - Marie Horner
Daily Life - Michael Mogridge
Matron - Sheila Baker
Medical Activity on the Ward - Anne Makepeace and Pam Harrison
Cleaning the Wards - Dr Cole
Student Doctor - Margaret Swift
Sisters and Doctors - Michael Mogridge
Departments - Sheila Baker
Uniforms Colours - Sheila Baker
Camaraderie Between Nurses - Sheila Baker
Living as a Trainee Nurse - Sheila Baker
On Night Ward Duty - Anne Makepeace and Pam Harrison
Social Life - Anne Makepeace and Pam Harrison
Life in the Kitchens - Marie Horner
Night Shift 2 - Marie Horner
Central Ward - Esra Bennett
Ghost Stories - Esra Bennett
Consultants on Ward Rounds - Esra Bennett
Memories of Doncaster Gate Hospital - Esra Bennett
The Hospital - Esra Bennett
Uniform - Michael Mogridge
Bomb in the Hospital! - Margaret Swift
Court Room in the Hospital - Anne Watson
Christmas - Anne Makepeace and Pam Harrison
Central Ward - Marie Horner
Unusual Forms of Training - Marie Horner
Night Shift - Brian Hibbett
Mr Hibbett's penny and pound organisation - Sue Cassin
Uniform of a Cadet - Sheila Baker
Experiences on Night Duty - Sheila Baker
Social Life - Marie Horner
Raising Money for the Hospital - Marie Horner
Social Life - Esra Bennett
Patients Social Life - Esra Bennett
Atmosphere of the Hospital - Dr Cole
'Living in' as a Doctor - Brian Hibbett
Bingo Hall Robbery - Michael Mogridge
Attachment to the hospital - Sheila Baker
Being on the Wards at 18 Years Old - Sheila Baker
Night Duty - Sheila Baker
People Never Felt Like Leaving - Anne Makepeace and Pam Harrison
Injuries - Marie Horner
Life on the Wards - Marie Horner
Theatre - Marie Horner
Teaching - Marie Horner
Queen's Ward - Marie Horner
Princess Mary Ward - Marie Horner
Christmas - Dr Cole
Training - Dr Cole
Industrial Accidents - Dr Adrian Cole
Working in a Small hospital - Brian Hibbett
Working with patients - Michael Mogridge